
Amd Athlon 64 X2 3800 Datenblatt Layanan Informasi 17 Jam

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Sebelumnya  (Athlon 64) (Athlon Ii)  Berikutnya

Athlon 64 X2

Athlon 64 X2
AMD Athlon 64 X2 logo.png
Produced From 2005
Marketed by AMD
Designed by AMD
Common manufacturer(s)
  • GlobalFoundries formerly AMD Fab 36
Max. CPU clock rate 1.9 GHz to 3.2 GHz
HyperTransport speeds 1 GHz to 1.8 GHz
Min. feature size 90 nm to 65 nm
Instruction prepare MMX, SSE, SSE2, SSE3, x86-64, 3DNow!

K8 Microarchitecture

("Kuma" based models are K10 derived)
Cores 2
  • Socket 939
  • Socket AM2
  • Socket AM2+(Kuma based models only)

The Athlon 64 X2 is the first dual-core desktop CPU designed by AMD. It was designed from scratch as native dual-core by using an already multi-CPU enabled Athlon 64, joining information technology with another functional core on one die, and connecting both via a shared dual-channel memory controller/northward bridge and additional control logic. The initial versions are based on the E-stepping model of the Athlon 64 and, depending on the model, take either 512 or 1024 KB of L2 Enshroud per core. The Athlon 64 X2 is capable of decoding SSE3 instructions (except those few specific to Intel's architecture).

In June 2007, AMD released low-voltage variants of their depression-end 65 nm Athlon 64 X2, named "Athlon X2". [1] The Athlon X2 processors feature reduced TDP of 45 W. [two] The name was besides used for K10 based budget CPUs with ii cores deactivated.


  • i Multithreading
  • two Manufacturing costs
  • 3 CPU cores
    • 3.i Athlon 64 X2
      • 3.1.1 Manchester (ninety nm SOI)
      • 3.1.two Toledo (90 nm SOI)
      • iii.ane.3 Windsor (90 nm SOI)
      • 3.1.4 Brisbane (65 nm SOI)
    • 3.2 Athlon X2
      • three.2.1 Brisbane (65 nm SOI)
      • iii.2.2 Kuma (65 nm SOI)
  • 4 Run into likewise
  • 5 References
  • 6 External links


The benefit of dual-core processors similar the X2 is their ability to procedure more software threads at the same time. The ability of processors to execute multiple threads simultaneously is called thread-level parallelism (TLP). By placing two cores on the same die, the X2 effectively doubles the TLP over a single-cadre Athlon 64 of the same speed. The demand for TLP processing capability is dependent on the situation to a great degree, and certain situations benefit from it far more than others. Certain programs are currently just written with ane thread, and are therefore unable to utilize the processing power of the second core.

Programs oftentimes written with multiple threads and capable of utilizing dual-cores include many music and video encoding applications, and particularly professional rendering programs. Loftier TLP applications currently stand for to server/workstation situations more than the typical desktop. These applications tin realize nearly twice the functioning of a single-core Athlon 64 of the same specifications. Multi-tasking besides runs a sizable number of threads; intense multi-tasking scenarios take really shown improvements of considerably more than two times. [iii] This is primarily due to the excessive overhead acquired by constantly switching threads, and could potentially exist improved past adjustments to operating organisation scheduling code.

In the consumer segment of the market likewise, the X2 improves upon the performance of the original Athlon 64, especially for multi-threaded software applications.

Manufacturing costs

Having two cores, the Athlon 64 X2 has an increased number of transistors. The one MB L2 cache 90 nm Athlon 64 X2 processor is 219 mm² in size with 243 million transistors [iv] whereas its 1 MB L2 cache ninety nm Athlon 64 counterpart is 103.1 mm² and has 164 million transistors. [5] The 65 nm Athlon 64 X2 with just 512 KB L2 per Core reduced this to 118 mm² with 221 1000000 transistors compared to the 65 nm Athlon 64 with 77.two mm² and 122 million transistors. Every bit a outcome, a larger area of silicon must exist defect complimentary. These size requirements necessitate a more complex fabrication process, which further adds to the product of fewer functional processors per single silicon wafer. This lower yield makes the X2 more expensive to produce than the single-cadre processor.

In the eye of June 2006 AMD stated that they would no longer make any non-FX Athlon 64 or Athlon 64 X2 models with one MB L2 caches. [6] This led to only a small production number of the Socket-AM2 Athlon 64 X2 with i MB L2 cache per core, known equally 4000+, 4400+, 4800+, and 5200+. The Athlon 64 X2 with 512 KB per core, known as 3800+, 4200+, 4600+, and 5000+, were produced in far greater numbers. The introduction of the F3 stepping and then saw several models with 1 MB L2 cache per core as production refinements resulted in an increased yield.

CPU cores

Athlon 64 X2

AMD Athlon X2 processor family unit
AMD K9 Desktop
Code-named Core Date released
AMD Athlon X2 logo as of 2007 Manchester
dual (xc nm)
dual (xc nm)
dual (90 nm)
May 2005
May 2005
May 2006
AMD Athlon 64 FX logo Toledo
dual (90 nm)
dual (90 nm)
Jan 2006
May 2006
AMD Athlon X2 logo as of 2008 Brisbane
dual (65 nm) December 2006
Daftar/Tabel -- AMD Athlon X2 microprocessors

Manchester (xc nm SOI)

  • CPU-Stepping: E4
  • L1-Cache: 64 + 64 KB (Data + Instructions), per core
  • L2-Enshroud: 256, 512 KB fullspeed, per core
  • MMX, Extended 3DNow!, SSE, SSE2, SSE3, AMD64, Cool'northward'Quiet, NX Bit
  • Socket 939, HyperTransport (1000 MHz, HT1000)
  • VCore: ane.35 V - 1.iv V
  • Power Consumption (TDP): 89 Watt
  • Offset Release: i August 2005
  • Clockrate: 2000 - 2400 MHz
    • 256 KB L2-Cache:
      • 3600+: 2000 MHz
    • 512 KB L2-Enshroud:
      • 3800+: 2000 MHz
      • 4200+: 2200 MHz
      • 4600+: 2400 MHz (110 Watt TDP)

Toledo (90 nm SOI)

  • CPU-Stepping: E6
  • L1-Cache: 64 + 64 KB (Information + Instructions), per core
  • L2-Cache: 512 or 1024 KB fullspeed, per core
  • MMX, Extended 3DNow!, SSE, SSE2, SSE3, AMD64, Cool'n'Quiet, NX Bit
  • Socket 939, HyperTransport (1000 MHz, HT1000)
  • VCore: 1.35 5 - 1.4 5
  • Power Consumption (TDP):
    • 89 Watt: 3800+, 4200+ and 4400+
    • 110 Watt: 4400+, 4600+ and 4800+
  • First Release: 21 Apr 2005
  • Clockrate:: 2000 - 2400 MHz
    • 512 KB L2-Cache:
      • 3800+: 2000 MHz
      • 4200+: 2200 MHz
      • 4600+: 2400 MHz
    • 1024 KB L2-Cache:
      • 4400+: 2200 MHz
      • 4800+: 2400 MHz

Windsor (90 nm SOI)

  • CPU-Stepping: F2, F3
  • L1-Cache: 64 + 64 KB (Data + Instructions), per core
  • L2-Cache: 256, 512 or 1024 KB fullspeed, per core
  • MMX, Extended 3DNow!, SSE, SSE2, SSE3, AMD64, Cool'northward'Quiet, NX Bit, AMD-Five
  • Socket AM2, HyperTransport (1000 MHz, HT1000)
  • VCore: 1.25 V - 1.35 V
  • Power Consumption (TDP):
    • 35 Watt (3800+ EE SFF)
    • 65 Watt (3600+ to 5200+ EE)
    • 89 Watt (3800+ to 6000+)
    • 125 Watt (6000+ to 6400+)
  • Offset Release: May 23, 2006
  • Clockrate: 2000 MHz - 3200 MHz
    • 256 KB L2-Enshroud:
      • 3600+: 2000 MHz
    • 512 KB L2-Cache: (oftentimes mislabeled as Brisbane core)
      • 3800+: 2000 MHz
      • 4200+: 2200 MHz
      • 4600+: 2400 MHz (F2&F3)
      • 5000+: 2600 MHz (F2&F3)
      • 5400+: 2800 MHz (F3)
    • 1024 KB L2-Cache:
      • 4000+: 2000 MHz
      • 4400+: 2200 MHz
      • 4800+: 2400 MHz
      • 5200+: 2600 MHz (F2&F3)
      • 5600+: 2800 MHz (F3)
      • 6000+: 3000 MHz (F3)
      • 6400+: 3200 MHz (F3)

Brisbane (65 nm SOI)

AMD Athlon 64 X2 4400+, Brisbane.

  • CPU-Stepping: G1, G2
  • L1-Enshroud: 64 + 64 KB (Data + Instructions), per core
  • L2-Enshroud: 512 KB fullspeed, per core
  • MMX, Extended 3DNow!, SSE, SSE2, SSE3, AMD64, Absurd'n'Serenity, NX Bit, AMD-V
  • Socket AM2, HyperTransport (1000 MHz, HT1000)
  • VCore: i.25 V - 1.35 V
  • Die Size: 126 mm²
  • Power Consumption (TDP): 65 Watt / 89 Watt
  • First Release: Dec 5, 2006
  • Clockrate: 1900 MHz - 3100 MHz
    • 3600+: 1900 MHz (G1)
    • 3800+: 2000 MHz
    • 4000+: 2100 MHz
    • 4200+: 2200 MHz (G1&G2)
    • 4400+: 2300 MHz (G1&G2)
    • 4600+: 2400 MHz (G2)
    • 4800+: 2500 MHz (G1&G2)
    • 5000+: 2600 MHz (G1&G2)
    • 5200+: 2700 MHz (G1&G2)
    • 5400+: 2800 MHz (G2)
    • 5600+: 2900 MHz (G2)
    • 5800+: 3000 MHz (G2)
    • 6000+: 3100 MHz (G2)

Athlon X2

'64' was omitted from the name of the Brisbane 'Exist' series; the 64-bit marketing campaign initiated past AMD became insignificant once essentially all consumer CPUs became 64-fleck processors.

Brisbane (65 nm SOI)

  • CPU-Stepping: G1, G2
  • L1-Cache: 64 + 64 KB (Data + Instructions), per core
  • L2-Cache: 512 KB fullspeed, per core
  • MMX, Extended 3DNow!, SSE, SSE2, SSE3, AMD64, Cool'n'Quiet, NX Bit, AMD-V
  • Socket AM2, HyperTransport (thou MHz, HT1000)
  • VCore: 1.xv V - 1.20 5
  • Die Size: 118 mm²
  • Power Consumption (TDP): 45 Watt
  • First Release: June 1, 2007
  • Clockrate: 1900 MHz - 2600 MHz
    • Exist-2300: 1900 MHz (G1&G2)
    • BE-2350: 2100 MHz (G1&G2)
    • Be-2400: 2300 MHz (G2)
    • 4050e: 2100 MHz (G2)
    • 4450e: 2300 MHz (G2)
    • 4850e: 2500 MHz (G2)
    • 5050e: 2600 MHz (G2)

Kuma (65 nm SOI)

  • AMD K10 Microarchitecture
  • CPU-Stepping: B3
  • L1-Cache: 64 + 64 KB (Data + Instructions), per core
  • L2-Cache: 512 KB fullspeed, per core
  • L3-Cache: 2 MB (shared)
  • MMX, SSE, SSE2, SSE3, SSE4a, Enhanced 3DNow!, NX chip, AMD64, Absurd'n'Quiet, AMD-5
  • Socket AM2+, HyperTransport (1800 MHz, HT3.0)
  • VCore: ane.05 V - 1.25 Five
  • Die Size: 288 mm²
  • Power Consumption: (TDP): 95 Watt
  • Showtime Release: December fifteen, 2008
  • Clockrate: 2300 - 2800 MHz
    • 6500BE: 2300 MHz
    • 7450: 2400 MHz
    • 7550: 2500 MHz
    • 7750BE: 2700 MHz
    • 7850BE: 2800 MHz

Come across also

  • Daftar/Tabel -- AMD Athlon X2 microprocessors
  • Daftar/Tabel -- AMD Athlon 64 microprocessors
  • Daftar/Tabel -- AMD microprocessors
  • Parallel computing


  1. ^ AMD FAQ on removing the "64"
  2. ^ DailyTech study
  3. ^
  4. ^,,30_118_9485_13041^13076,00.html
  5. ^ http://world wide states of america-en/Processors/ProductInformation/0,,30_118_9485_9487^10248,00.html
  6. ^ HardOCP report

External links

  • Athlon 64 model overview on AMD site
  • Athlon64 X2 product site
  • Comparison with the Intel Core Duo
  • AMD Athlon 64 Ability and Thermal Data Canvas site (PDF)

From Wikipedia, the gratuitous encyclopedia

Sebelumnya  (Athlon 64) (Athlon II)  Berikutnya

Tags: Athlon 64 X2, Ilmu Komputer, 3065, Athlon 64 X2 Athlon 64 X2 Produced From 2005 Marketed by AMD Designed by AMD Common manufacturer(southward) GlobalFoundries formerly AMD Fab 36 Max, CPU clock rate 1.9 GHz to 3.2 GHz HyperTransport speeds GHz to 1.8 GHz Min, feature size xc nm to 65 nm Instruction ready MMX SSE SSE2 SSE3 x86 64 3DNow! Microarchitecture K8 Microarchitecture (, Kuma, based models are K10 derived) Cores 2 Socket(s), Athlon 64 X2, Bahasa Republic of indonesia, Contoh Instruksi, Tutorial, Referensi, Buku, Petunjuk p2k, unkris.air

1. Fakultas Pertanian UMJ Dki jakarta - Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Muhammadiyah Djakarta - Kampus Pertanian : Jl. KH. Ahmad Dahlan, Cirendeu, Ciputat, Jakarta Selatan 15419
2. FE MH Thamrin - Kampus Salemba - Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas MH. Thamrin Jakarta - Kampus MH. Thamrin : Jl. Salemba Tengah No. v Paseban, Senen - Djakarta Pusat 10440
3. FISIP UMJ Jakarta - Fakultas Ilmu Sosial & Ilmu Politik Universitas Muhammadiyah Djakarta - Kampus FISIP - UMJ : Jl. KH. Ahmad Dahlan, Cirendeu, Ciputat, Jakarta Selatan 15419
4. FK MH Thamrin - Kampus Salemba - Fakultas Komputer (FK) Universitas MH. Thamrin Jakarta - Kampus MH. Thamrin : Jl. Salemba Tengah No. v Paseban, Senen - Jakarta Pusat 10440
5. IAI Abdullah Said Batam - Institut Agama Islam Abdullah Said Batam - Kampus IAI Abdullah Said : Komplek Sekolah Hidayatullah, Kelurahan Kibing, Dekat Kantor Camat Batu Aji Batam. Sekretariat P2K Lantai 2 Gedung Loket Pembayaran
half-dozen. IAI Al-Azhaar Lubuklinggau - Institut Agama Islam Al-Azhaar Lubuklinggau - Kampus : Jl. Pelita No 364, kelurahan Pelita, Lubuk Linggau Barat I Kota Lubuklinggau – Sumatera Selatan 31611
vii. IAI Al-Ghurabaa Jakarta - Institut Agama Islam Al-Ghurabaa Jakarta - Kampus : Jl. Tenggiri Raya No.47, Rawamangun, Kota Jakarta Timur, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 13220.
viii. IAI Muhammad Azim Jambi - Institut Agama Islam Muhammad Azim Jambi - Kampus : Jl. Fatah Laside, Kebun Handil, Kec. Jelutung, Kota Jambi, Jambi 36125
9. IAI Yasni Bungo Jambi - Institut Agama Islam Yasni Bungo Jambi - Kampus : Jl. Lintas Sumatera, KM. 04 Sungai Binjai, Kec. Bathin Iii, Kab. Bungo 37211 Jambi
ten. IKIP Widya Darma Surabaya - IKIP Widya Darma Surabaya - Kampus IKIP Widya Darma : Jl. Ketintang No. 147-151 Surabaya
11. IMWI Sukabumi - Institut Manajemen Wiyata Indonesia Sukabumi - Kampus IMWI : Jl. Mesjid No. 1-two, Gunungparang, Kec. Cikole, Kota Sukabumi, Jawa Barat 43111
12. Institut Geo Nusantara Cileungsi Bogor - Institut Geo Nusantara Cileungsi Bogor - Kampus IGN : Jl. Raya Cileungsi - Jonggol Km. 03 No. 61 Mekarsari Kec. Cileungsi 16820, Kab. Bogor - Jawa Barat
13. Institut Studi Islam Sunan Doe - Institut Studi Islam Sunan Doe - Kampus : Jl. Soekarno Hatta, Rumbuk, Sakra, Kabupaten Lombok Timur, Nusa Tenggara Barat. 83671
14. IPM Malang - Institut Pertanian Malang - Kampus : Jl. Soekarno - Hatta, Mojolangu, Kec. Lowokwaru, Kota Malang, Jawa Timur 65142
15. ISIF Cirebon - Institut Studi Islam Fahmina Cirebon - Kampus : Jl. Swasembada No.xv Majasem - Kel. Karyamulya, Kec. Kesambi, Kota Cirebon, Jawa Barat 45132

Amd Athlon 64 X2 3800 Datenblatt,


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